Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On Master-Daily Task Lists

I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't make a
list every day. I'm a compulsive list maker.

Every day I make a list of what I need to do that
day. And if the list gets too long and ridiculous,
then I know that something is wrong... I need to
zero in on the MOST important tasks of the day.

It is a wonderful feeling when you get things
done. That sense of accomplishment builds you up
in all areas of your life. It starts a chain
reaction of positive experiences.

When it's tough to get started, the single
most important thing you can do is to make a

In the long run, making a list will help you,
even if you decide to put off doing everything
for now. Just keep making those lists anyway.

Lists will focus you on what you need to do,
and they will ultimately motivate you.

Sooner or later, you will find yourself being
more in touch with your true goals. You'll
also take action on this list.

Sure, a list won't do the job for you, but
when you write that list out, day in day out,
you will get that fire lit under you and
you will get things done.

Have a separate list called your "Master List"
that has EVERYTHING you need to do, now and
in the future, and then you can use your
daily list to just focus on TODAY.

When you have been writing lists as long
as I have (decades), then you develop your own
special touches on this habit.

Each new day, I get a new piece of paper
and write a brand new list, transferring
what didn't get done from yesterday's list
to today's list.

The time it takes to write these things down
helps to focus my mind on my goals.

On my daily list, I have a little section on
one side for what has to be picked up at the
grocery store (my least favorite task).

There is another section for any calls or emails
that have to be made. Sometimes I also have a small
section for each of my children.

During the day, if something comes up that I
need to remember, I add it to the list, so I
don't have to worry about forgetting it.

One reason it's important to be organized
is that it keeps a person in a GOOD mood.

Clutter and disorder and not having things
done can put you in a bad frame of mind.

Order and accomplishment and things done
equals absolute bliss. That is why this book,
"Declutter Fast," is very close to my heart.
Your whole world is affected by the order in
your life.

And don't get down if you are not "there" yet -
because a little order goes a LONG way.

Mimi Tanner

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