Saturday, May 7, 2011

Alignment After Action

Normally we think to align or balance self before taking any concrete actions. Early morning meditation/yoga, healthy consumption, music, reading/writing something inspirational, are some examples. More objectively, it is action that brings us to these self-empowering aligning activities in the first place. A combination of initiative, effort and concentration that allows us to break through the occasional difficulties and awkwardness... as with learning to read, write or ride a bike.

This requires a willingness to endure and experience whatever arises, inwardly in the realm of thought and emotion as well as outwardly in facing and figuring out the task at hand. The understanding is that benevolent and divine grace descends the higher realms onto the physical, only when full attention and concentrated intention is given to the present task at hand. First the friction, then fusion, then unlimited bountiful creation. Total absorption, leverage, alignment, and grace in action comes with simply showing up (being there), diving in and persevering to get the job done.

Gradually, overtime, the sense of alignment and flow comes more effortlessly, naturally, as certain muscles and skills are built and developed in an unending evolutionary creative process. There exists prior to action a spontaneously aligned meditative state (Being), a fresh beginners mind that is open receptive aware, accepting and surrendered to the reality of what is. It is this inner calm center that initially provides us the pure potential state necessary for facing the daunting tasks at hand and all that one must master in a single work day, including negative thoughts and difficult emotions. However, it must be remembered that all worldly activity comes naturally and easily only with a great deal of initiative, attention, hard work and practice.

Joel David Zenie

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