Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Six Action & Awareness Steps to Success - Dumbing it Down

0 to 1 - Cleaning and Clearing: Example: Gather/Collect all lists and notes, weed out the duplicates, old documents and stuff I don't need. Clear the decks, simplify the point of focus, then:

1 to 2 - Focusing & Vision: Having simplified and narrowed down the point of focus, one step/item at a time visualize/determine the desired outcome and next action steps for each, begin to implement, then:

2 to 3 - Structure & Organizing: Streamlined efficiency and maximum productivity. Blueprints, plans, lists, mind rooms, etc. Create a meaningful system of implementation, based on efficiency AND aesthetic/creative considerations, giving importance to every last detail, recall what needs to get done and cover every loose end, then:

3 to 4 - Review/Prepare/Choose & Take Action: Have all predefined work ready to go on cue. Be ready to take appropriate action(s) at appropriate time(s). Dive in, give thinking mind a rest and just DO THE WORK... Show Up and Complete the Job, perform a daily regimen without fail, then cross off all tasks off to-do list(s).

4 to 5 - Concentration/Insight/Re-Invention: A constant upgrading and unfolding of new brilliant, creative ideas, the result of hard work, perspiration, full attention and dedication/determination.

5 to 6 - Imagination/Dreaming/Intuition & Digestion: The internalization of experience, rest from action, reflection, rejuvenation and relaxation, prayer and meditation. The primary internal determining factor (the inner life) of all that manifests outwardly. The end that precedes new beginnings...


*Each step comes in twos, a transition from one phase of activity to the next, showing the interrelationship of each to each other.

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